User Guide

How to buy & sell Impermanent Gain

First things first, click on the top right to connect your wallet!

Trading Interface

In order to start trading on Smilee, it's important to first get familiar with the user interface.

To the left, you can find the filter selection and see a list of available assets you can trade.

Each item either shows Bull, Bear, Smile and the Reference Asset (e.g. BTC or ETH) as well as the Strike, Leverage & IV (Implied Volatility). You can also easily read the Time to Expiry.

On the right, you can find the Card, which has all the information you need — PnL Chart, Assets Chart and Utilization.

The PnL Chart on the top right allows you to easily visualize the Impermanent Gain Payoff, its breakeven(s) and the PnL given the underlying price movement in % or $ at expiry.

Placing a Trade

Placing a Trade on Smilee is very simple: navigate the left bar to find the asset you want to trade IG on, check the IG Details & Charts on the right card, click buy and mint your Impermanent Gain Position!

Position Status & Selling Impermanent Gain

Navigate in the top left menu to "Positions" to see all your current open & expired Positions, browse between them and check your current Portfolio Value & PnL.

Buying More Impermanent Gain

If you want to buy more Impermanent Gain relative to a Position you have open, simply click "Buy More", select quantity and Mint!

Selling Impermanent Gain

If you want to sell your Impermanent Gain Position, you can do so any time by simply clicking "Sell", select how much you want to sell and Burn!

Comparing Impermanent Gain

To compare different strategies, assets and expiries, you can navigate on the left corner of the interface and a "compare" button will appear.

In the Compare Section, you'll be able to switch between different assets, strategies and and compare up to three different products at the same time. You can also directly Buy or Sell in the Compare section.

When you want to close it, you can click "Back" in the right side of the interface.

Last updated